God i fucking love potatos

Chip likes oreos ig

I found the coloured version of Lana from FPE: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundamentalPaperEdu/comments/1chbjk0/gr…

Now I have a new pfp

Potato doodle

Welcome to the POTATO COMMUNITY!

Potato art banner by @GoofTrap

we've got a few lil rules so FOLLOW THEM.


-no homophobia/hatespeach.

-no nsfw, obviously.

-no "witchhunt" posts

-zero ai art is tolerated.

-You'd think this'd be obvious, but no gore.

-Try not to make "report [x]" posts here.

-My word is final regarding bans.

-be kind

-do not talk about the murders of @Victoree we do not speak about those.


Ban duration by offense:

Rule 1-5 are permabans, last 4 are hour blocks after warning

also post whatever you want (if it follows the rules) it doesnt actually have to be about potatos

@wompwompwomppppp owner
Report A community for 4 months