nylonbag in Neato prod test

🅱 Present your nylon bags and I will rate them myself trust me

This pencil is red 🔴

This is where my autumn lives 🦺

oh jeez oh gosh oh darn how deep do I have to drill the nails until they protrude out of the other side? my ruler is in the briefcase and still missing 🦺

my new fridge

i've been flipping through the app for the entire dev call. I don't think anyone noticed. So far, i'm getting away with nodding and randomly saying "yeah". it's great.




i belve i belvei belvei belve i belve i belve i belve i belve i belve i belve i belvei belve i belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei belvei OH YEAH!