All Posts in Murder Blooms: The Absolute Mistery

Share your creations! Unless you want me to shove a JCJenson pen in your face...

New profile by: Léo (@The_Bruh_Guy )

N??!! What are you doing?!?!

Making plans for the game realise

Today is 2and leader birthday :D

Happy birthday @n00b_not_here 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

New worker wall nut and Undertale blue legacy skin remake

This is what i have done of the shop for now @MURDER_BLOOM. you can give the white areas whatever you think works best for you with design or color. I also lost the color i was going to use for Lizzy's face, so it's not meant to be that dark of a brown

New worker sunflower

I think I losing the hope for the game idk why :|


New Main menu (work in pogress)

New V concept