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this. lawn. is. MINE.
(watch to the ending for a kabloom day)

pvz idk but it's corrupted available now!
(yeah the third option in pvz idk game page)

(potato's life in a nutshell)

pogo zombie vs all attacking plants!

rank this strange pogo lmao (max score 5)
also plz comment where can it be improved

When you intended to make running zombie (aka football & pole vaulter), life gives you bouncing zombie.
pogo is coming;)

alpha 0.0.8
'the zombies are coming... from the graves!!! while the undeads make the green void a mess, finish them of with REAL gatling pea and .... wallnut i guess?’

what is the moral of this video?
(p.s. pea and snow pea all deal 20 damage nomally but pea deals physical damage while snow pea deals ice damage)

*important* announcement
This will be how exactly pvz idk will look lilke ;)