Chat in Red's Garage

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@Projektile Asks: Why do you sport antlers upon your helmet? And where or how did you acquire such a large pair?


I reused the render again bc that would be his reaction again.

@SpriteBear Asks: Where did you get that helmet?

@LiterallyJustAToby Asks: how many people have you killed and for how many years do you think you will be sentenced to prison?

@Bit-Bit Asks: do you like FNAF?, what is your favorite color?

@Gabatatoe Asks: How did you design your helmet to be linked to your emotions and change the screen whenever you have an emotion?

@Cacpichu Asks: Do your eyes switch with your emotion, or do you control when they switch?

@Inky_Bun Asks: Can you stop killing people all willy nilly. You seem to not understand how difficult it is to get bloodstains out of carpet. Especially when in the one who has to clean it all up -_-

@UrLocalGamer Asks: Did you kill Freddy fasbeaar

Also sorry for long answers etc. i have some other things to do too :/

@Bootleg_red_chef Asks: Whats under your helmet?

@Akksttrelhm Asks: Is there something on the internet that makes you angry?

@DaylenTvGaming Asks: Are you THAT homo?!


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