general in The SSN Community

Salty comments or posts!


Valentine's Day Special I think?

So im making a ssn AU mod without name xd (the second one is week 5 design)

Maybe i make a redesign for Azumi (itsumi in this AU)

Back in GameJolt.

And I made some GL2 designs for Salty, Itsumi, Cocoa and Tzumi (Me).

The first time Derek and Rydtsumi are reunited after 3 years.

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@NiceVioletAyoobDeezNuts @NatalieBrazelton @Luigi_SSN_Mario @Jose_and_Luigi_channel @DaniFoxyUltimate @HazOfficialXD @FieryUnikitty

Okay guys This new banner and profile PFP For AnimeLitJosue: Vocaloid Funkin I Hope You Like It

SSN Last Peppered Derek phase 1-2-3


I have recreated the clip of Tsu where he mentions Connor's new songs on Twitter (or X), the sprites of connor, the bg and the chart were made by me

All of this was made in PsychEngine Android and IbisPaint

A comic of how bf and Itsumi would meet

Well here is a concept drawing of bf D-sides replacing salty in this AU