Random in 💯The EXE Community💯

Once i have your soul we will play forever :)

Uhhh another thing.

2024 EXE is the type to call his victims pet names in a taunting way lol.

I forgot to add that 2024 EXE isn't short tempered, it takes a lot for him to get mad. I can't portray short tempered characters without them being cringe anyway so that's why I did this lol.

Pov: Luigikid posts a video and this Is the tumbnail

some of my dubs get posted to this YouTube channel #shamelessplug


The "dark matter fog-like substance that 2024 EXE can have appear on his arms or hands" thing is called "Shadows Veil" now. It sounds really cool.

I made this design of a Sonic.exe with the super crown and I honestly don't like it

What should I change or what ideas do you have for a peach sonic.exe design?

2 funny scenarios that are canon. :)



"Revival Of Darkness" by Shokran.

Coding and charting by me.

All assets (Sprites, multiChar, shaders, etc.) belong to their original creators.

Mod link: https://gamejolt.com/games/Revival-Of-Darkness/920844

sneak peek of gamepage description ajdhjkhd