post your cool shit!
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Welcome to this community! Here you can shitpost, ask questions, ect!


  • Dont be a toxic piece of shit.

    you're not going to be banned for calling some one a stinky poopoo head or anything like that. But if you're actually being a dick, like shitting on some one no reason, then you broke this rule.

  • Dont post your own stuff here.

  • Dont spam

  • Dont spoil any recent game, movie, ect. If you're going to spoil anything, then give a warning before you say it.

  • Please try not to go off topic in the channel you're in.

How Bans and Warnings work.

If you break one of the rules above for the first time, depending on how bad you broke it, you will get banned for one day. Do it again, one week. Do it one more time, and you will be banned forever.

@uncoolkirby owner
Report A community for almost 4 years