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Welcome to the SimplePlanes community!

Do you like simpleplanes but never found a comunity about it?


So youre in the right place!


So i created this on name of the SimplePlanes fans that are a big comunity (on their site)

So do you like simpleplanes?

What Are you waiting for?

  • Join!

  • Talk about your in-coming planes

  • Do you have an account on their site?

    Tell the name there i will follow it!


    1. Do not bully

    2. Do not say anything bad about others buildings because people may get afraid of post their planes links there.

    3. Do not send any suspious link(you can send simpleplanes download links your planes links and your profile links)

    4. Enjoy!

    5. B-but follow the rules!

@Hanako_KunTheOfc owner
Report A community for almost 3 years