unrelated nonsense in Wizard’s Gangster Paradise Official
Mezzoflow hot takes #7
People who make progressive and continuous gamejolt posts about wanting to be left alone for attention in most cases if not always can never be taken seriously by people and are definitely under 13
When you looked at my username or just seeing it now for the first time, how did you pronounce it in your head, be honest. I'm really curious as to how it's said by people
mezzo's hot takes #3 because i need to post more often
gamejolt is literally the result of what would be produced if twitter and steam had a child
mezzo's hot takes #2 because i need to post more often
If you think it's okay to be blasphemous or derogatory about Jesus or any other religious figure/founder solely because you don't believe in any faith, re-evaluate yourself
Gamejolt, please fix this
It keeps telling me i've gotten new notifications even if there is none
I think I speak for a lot of people because I've seen posts about this issue before
I hate twitter but follow my account if you have it anyways because i'm close to 100 followers on there