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SNaST 3 Reworked Drawing Progress

Oofice completed :D

Alright, I've finally update my IRL oc and It's kinda better a bit for me now. If you made a fanart for me and post it, I will probably remake a new post of fanarts like the past time.

I got bored so I made these :P


I guess you can call this a progress update?

I'm having so many issues with Redy just straight up TELEPORTING ACROSS THE MAP!!! Like this isn't FNaTL (no offense.)

I'm also recoding his whole AI :P

Tomorrow, some of my students(old friends) will come to my birthday party so I might not talk alot from the internet/social media platform.

What if... Monitors were characters?

That thought lead to me making this thing.

(not canon)

Sebi's Birthday!

