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Wait, so you mean SEGA ACTUALLY KILLED SONIC?!?! I THOUGHT THIS WAS A FANGAME! I am laughing so hard right now, wow. Happy April Fools everyone!! I can't believe Sonic died today, truly tragic (also what's with this emoji?)

He u can make Game me in plsssss

3+ years ago, everything was balanced, I really miss the old days and I wish I could bring them back, I hate these new "trends" on Tiktok and I feel disappointed in humanity as a whole, oh yeah this is what I've been doing for the last few days btw.

Hey Everyone, I got a bit of an announcement to make:

I won't be posting stuff for like, maybe this whole month due to my Exams coming near and I won't be active on gamejolt or even use my tab. So, yeah. but hopefully after October starts, I'll be back.


i've started writing for a sonic webcomic and wanted to ask you all what platform it should be posted on

answer below

+ this isn't an announcement of the comic but feel free to ask any questions in comments. ill answer anything

  6 votes Voting finished