All Posts in Sonic.exe Fandom
Sonic is watching you type...
Heya! I am back on developing this sonic fangame now, and I actually have something to show for it (early prototype stuff shown above). It is officially undiscontinued. Progress will still be slow of course, but I feel I will have a lot of fun making it.…
Please read this, as this is really important to read.
Rule 10: Keep talk about your fan projects in the respective channels only: sonicexe_fangames for sharing fangames, sonicexe_fanart for sharing fanart, and sonicexe_fancreepypasta for sharing your fan-creepy pastas.
Rule 9: The feedback_for_sonicexe channel is for feedback on improving this community ONLY.
Rule 8: Keep all spoilerly stuff in the sonicexe_spoilers channel