Welcome, love! Have fun posting!

Current Squidstahs: Raven (@REDACTEDINFRORMATION), she’s really cool 😄

Current Squids: Squid (@SplatoonSquid365 ) me

Current Squidfriends: HS & FT, my wonderful amazing boyfriends 😆😖

Welcome to the Squid’s boyfriend appreciation community! Post what you want, don’t care if you swear, just don’t be rude to others! (Make sure to check out my straw page; https://gamejolt.com/p/squids-boyfriend-appreciation-page-is-now-open-to-the-public-leav-nzbaify7! 😄)

(And if you want a completely anon-made straw page, then check this out too!; https://squidsfinland.straw.page)

@SplatoonSquid365 owner
Report A community for about 2 months