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Welcome to the Standverse AU community on Game Jolt!

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The universe has been reset! Twice, in fact.

On the flipside, a strange nonsensical purgatory made out of past places and memories, awaken the Stands - now equipped with an independence and self-autonomy that most of them are not used to.

The ones whose emotions, goals and spirits they embody; their Users - are curiously nowhere to be found.

The Stands awaken at the same time, no matter whether they've died before the Separation or not. Every version of every Stand (from parts 1-6 that is).

Each Stand sees their User differently - some with undying loyalty, some with dismay and others with a mix of both.

But most settle on one thing - that they need to bring their Users back and return the universe to how it was. So, some set out on a crusade, while others begin cultivating a plan.

And thus we explore the existential horror of being a Stand!

@Leo-Art08 owner
Report A community for 4 months