I know what you're thinking.

until death do us apart

Hello fellow gamejolters, I am the owner, @untildeath <3! I decided to make my own community, for now its not alot since im in school rn and i have to do work before i can really work on THIS AWESOME COMMUNITY! Happy 2023, March! Have a nice day and i will update later!//


  1. no harassment or bullying.

  2. no racism, homophobia, etc.

  3. if someone likes something that you don't, keep your mouth SHUT. Leave people alone for what they like, i personally don't like a few S.T ships a lot of other ppl might like, but i refrain from saying something so u should too! (basically the same as the bullying rule)

  4. post in correct channels!

  5. no nsfw, i'm not tryna get any1 banned or anything.

  6. pls dni if 11-.


@ChristmasKids owner
Report A community for about 1 year