Dev stuff in Super Scratch Brawl (Cancelled)



Okay, so I I'm not going to be able to work on devolvement of SSB because I'm going to be on vacation for a week so yeah. Inform me in a week. Please work on stuff.


Okay, guys, Theoddone21 said that he likes Season Finale better, so that's the one we're using.

every compont in mc:

Currently working on Reus' moveset, this guy's got some serious range!

Okay, the results are in. 4 people voted, and they all voted for Reus and Enflame to be base characters. So, Reus and Enflame will be moved from SSB to SSBDX.

Message to BloctansAlphie - Please stop posting non-SSB related things in dev_stuff!

Hey, guys! I made the smol ice cube follow Icebreaker!

I said this before and I'll say it again. Devs, unless what your posting has something to do with SSB development. DON'T POST RANDOM STUFF IT THE MOD CHAT! Thank you for understanding.