Custom Room Edition in Tagey's Epic Community

Post something epic. It better be epic. Or you're out of here. Just kidding xd

A new patch has been released. Also, some important info on the game. Read this article.

The wait is over, Demo 3, the last demo, is now available for download. Read this article to see everything this demo adds. It's a big one!


(this is just a suggestion) i think you should put the description of the mechanics of the rooms with no phone calls appear once you hover your mouse over the room on the room picker screen or before the night starts

i'm not stuck on the please read before starting screen anymore

it won't let me press enter once i open the game :(

Demo 3 is confirmed, and is soon approaching! This will be a big demo, so read this article to see everything coming in the next demo! (Or don't read it if you don't wanna be spoiled)

hi i am a beta tester and helped with a room for this game
ask me anything