All Posts in Tagey's Epic Community

Post something epic. It better be epic. Or you're out of here. Just kidding xd

Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Virus Wario!

Beta Testing went SO great! The testers really enjoyed themselves, lots of issues were patched...

So VERY SOON, the demo should BE LET FREEEEE!!!

i still don't know the exact date, it will come out suddenly, ok thanks bye

#fnaf #chiknnuggit #fangame

New Computer

happy late #Spawnday

Follow My Roblox Acc. Somethings are...Coming Soon.
(Credits To: u/forevericey) for the SD-Doll Image.

1.0.7 Patch

Toy Mario and Toy Yoshi go away much faster but now they both kill and move faster when in front of you