news in tails funkin resort

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Random discord moment

ዕልዪጕክቿነነ ዘልነ ቻሁረረሃ ጎክሀልዕቿዕ ፕዘጎነ ልርርዐሁክፕ, ፕዘቿ ልርርዐሁክፕ'ነ ክልጠቿ ሠጎረረ ርዘልክኗቿ ዐክ april 15 ꋪꏂꂵꏂꂵꃳꏂꋪ ꌦꄲ꒤ ꉔꋬꋊ ꂵꋬꀘꏂ ꋬ ꉣꊰꉣ ꋬꋊ꒯ ꁝꋬ꒦ꏂ ꋬ ꉔꁝꋬꋊꉔꋪ ꒐꓄ ꍌꏂ꓄ꇙ ꉔꁝꄲꄲꇙꏂꋊ ꋬꇙ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꋊꏂꉧ꓄ ꉣꊰꉣ

2 years already... Time goes so fast

Since i'm gonna change my username, i need all of you to try making me have a new pfp: just send a fanart in the fanarts for funkins to have a chance YOUR art becomes my pfp (you can make an oc if you want)

my friend made this fnf mod, it seems great but i can't play it. If you want you can play it with this link