Garage in The GremGarage

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#GJAsks Elfilin (Kirby), Rick (Kirby), or Rush (Mega Man)
#GJAsks Sonic, Link, Ristar, or the GOAT Mega Man
#GJAsks I can't remember but I think it might have been Sonic Mania or TLOZ: Breath of the Wild
#GJAsks Ganondorf from TOTK
His fight was awesome (until the final phase)
#GJAsks This is an easy one (I have a whole list, 2 of which I've played lmao)
Pulseman, Dynamite Dux, Captain Commando, Fatal Fury, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (SNES), Sonic Blast Man 1 and 2 (SNES), Sonic 3D Blast, and lastly, Segasonic the Hedgehog