general in Drone Verse

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Help I wanna make this real so bad

OK, this is going to slip my mind if i don't do this now, so if you're in for a maybe lengthy theory, read the article (spoiler warning for if you haven't seen episode 7 yet!!)

Murder Drones- Episode 7: Mass Destruction in 1 hour! Get your theories ready and keep that bucket of batteries close by, because this is going to be a long wild ride!

New channel

Official release date for episode 7 of Murder Drones!

I'm going to draw Zadiya with someone's OC before the episode drops in 15 days. I'll have four spots open. if you want it to be your OC, comment a number between 1-4 before the 29th

Ooooooooooh ma goooooood :000000

Project P.L.A.N.T 9 server

Thx for the 200 followers :D

Yaaay its close to 200
