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You nocliped out of reality...
Or went into the threshold and got lost/glitched...
Be careful...
You are not..
Ȃ̷̰̘̪͕̙̲͖͙̼̥̜̥̘̊̕͝l̶̡͎̦͈̹̉̈́̓̀̿̓̑̎̍͌̕͜ớ̷̡̤̙̳̯̫̻̙̗͋͂̾́̅ṉ̴̳̟̭͓͉̗̜̬̑͋̓͑̎̉̀̓̒̈́̽͂̚͝ę̷̨̢̭̟̣̱̜̪̪͎̹̂ͅ ...
1. No GodMode/Immortality ... no matter what you are..
2. If you annoy the entire community you will be warned
3. follow the rules... stay safe... try to get out...
[Ć̷͓ô̶̖ṇ̸̚n̶͈̾e̴̘͑c̸̞̅t̶̙̾i̴̱͠o̷͕͛ň̶͈ ̷̬̄T̶̨̃e̵̡̽r̸̛͔m̵̢͝ì̶̲n̸̨͋ạ̷̛t̶̙̓ḛ̸̅d̸̜̐]

Report A community for about 2 years