news in TheFNaFGab's Community

Say hello to my community!

well the video of the new Molten Attack is ready in one of these days it will be published

Hello everyone! i just wanted to say that,
Im sorry in advance for not posting much,

Please read.

Hey everyone, just wanted to say that:

I am quitting gamejolt for a while, some of the reasons are too much drama and just overall personal problems.

I'm very sorry, hope to see u guys again soon. <3

Hey yall!
Yes i am back from my long long break,
And i just wanted to say thank you all for 151 followers!!
I have some upcoming arts for yall so just wait and enjoy :)

Hey guys! I hab new pfp :D
Thank you @VladThe49thShadow so muchh for the amazing art :)
(i hope this will concern you now that i am a girl ;-; )