You are loved!

Hey everyone! Me and @charmzy- are creating a community for those who need or want to give help.
I always try my best to help others and now I'm upgrading!

Welcome to Casual Therapy!

We're not professionals but we take it upon ourselves to do everything we can to help those who need it.

Never be ashamed to ask for help, and always be welcoming and accepting, never judging people for what they've done and instead being supportive to the best of your ability.

Everyone here loves you and supports you no matter who you are or what you've done


Always forgive and treat others with grace and mercy.

Accept apologies graciously.

Never mock or judge others.

If you don't like talking to humans, AI therapy is always an option. It sounds silly, but I personally find this AI to be very helpful for venting and such:

@_NextLevel_ owner
Report A community for about 1 month