Find Teams in Together Jam

Share your progress and let's jam!

Looking for teammates? Post here!

Collaborations and group efforts are welcome! You can also find others looking to team up here. If you're an artist or create sound/music, be sure to include examples of your work in your post!

2D traditioal artist and a programmer/writer looking to building a team

My group is looking for a new sprite artist because one of them has disappeared. If anyone wants to join our group, I'll be grateful.

Felix The Cat will return to videogames!
Who is excited to see the return of this feline?

I wrote a little bit of Lua code to interact with LootLocker from Love2D (or any engine that uses Lua) last night, but haven't got a project for the jam yet. I'm open for collaborations, though, if anyone still needs a partner who can code.