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Welcome to the community! Thanks for coming along. If you want to, clicking the member thing would be easy! Or else I will hunt you down!

Anyways, You may be asking

"What do you need a community for, @_Tristan_Games_?"

Well, I don't know. I just made one. So that's how you are here! Yeah, uh.. also you see that sick ass banner? I made that! Me! It's great I like had to get the colors right.

You know the question the unamed thing said? Well we are answering questions like that.


Why is there so much text on the top of this page thing?

" Because I need to make people think that I am product enough to even make an entire description of my community server "

Does this thing has the thing

" Yes the thing has the thing on the thing, on this community thing. "

Do girls poop

" Yes "

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

" Well, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood "

Is dying gay?


Does this community server support LGBTQ?

"Sure, whatever"

Does this community support anime

" No "

Does this community support nsfw

" No "

  1. No Anti-LGBT

  2. No promoting (includes discord servers, YouTube channels, Spotify Playlists etc.)

  3. No pornographic imagery or videos

  4. No furry pornographic images or videos

  5. Don't discriminate.

  6. This is a PG-13 community! Don't make what you are talking about too bad

  7. No amongus memes.

  8. Memes are allowed.

  9. Suggestive themes are allowed.

  10. English only

  11. Don't call an among us character. That's cringe

  12. No cringe memes

  13. No horni

  14. No Gacha heat

  15. No sniffing of the sugar (No cocaine)

  16. No toxicity.

  17. Don't cyberbully. (Link to reporting discord server and cyberbully help in additional)


If you are having someone bullying or breaking the rules please join my reporting discord server followed by the link below.

Or send me a friend request.

Bullying Stuff

@TristanGames owner
Report A community for almost 3 years