All Posts in tv's bad ass community for attractive people

"share your creations" my ass! we be posting memes

shaggy lookin ah haircut

i was playing some casual on tf2 a few days ago. And i got the creepiest zoom in on who killed me (they were gibed).


"is this the first meme of 2024? <guy falls> chiki waka, chiiikkkkiii waaaaaakkkkkkaaa"

haven't made any countryball comics in some time.

So i decided to make this.


heard that racist kid got shadow banned. (Thank god.)


honestly people who think you can't say swear words on gamejolt are the most annoying ah people.

Like mf i can say "bitch, bastard, shit, fuck" all i want!!!!!!!!!

looks like that racist son of a bitch is back. (As in @ShadowTheGamingGuy ) he said the n-word and then was being a jackass to people.

that person who posted animal abuse, threatened to rape someone is back. They claim to say sorry when in fact they are just trying to get ppl to trust them. (thank you @Skaterforce245 for this).

the person is @lialovescats15y.

annoy squidward day is real.

this is where the magic happens (ladies. Ladies. And the gentle men. One at a time.)