general in Ultimate Reality

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Working on the skill tree! Almost done with adding all of the upgrades that will be available in the game!

#pixelart #platformer #action #ui #adventure #superhero #fighter

The city of Quito! See El Panecillo from a distance!

#pixelart #cyberpunk #platformer #action #adventure #superhero #fighter

Head to the Capital of Ecuador in this new all different map!

#pixelart #cyberpunk #platformer #hero #alt

All eyes on Quito! Excited to show how the game will play out in my hometown!

#pixerlart #superhero

The last type of enemy to make it's way into the multiverse is one that can slowly deactivate your dimensional abilities! You have to be careful by avoiding the splash radius! Video showcasing their abilities will be availble soon!


The Lost City... what do you think of the mysterious and eerie music produced here?

#music #soundtrack #pixelart #platformer #action #adventure #cyberpunk #mysterious #triumphant


Some more animations updated for the airstrike attack!

#cybepunk #platformer #action #adventure #animation #superhero #retro

Ready to do an air strike? You will be able to combine air and ground attacks more fluidly in the near future!

#pixelart #gamemaker #platformer #action #adventure #cyberpunk #fighter #superhero

Take the fight to the streets! Don't just stay in the buildings, but also to the ground!

#pixelart #gameart #platformer #action #adventure #alt #cyberpunk #superhero