Character Art in UnderJolt [REOPENED]


Ainavol!bruh bud's

(@YaBoiTH and me)

*The theme name : Hurb*

Sprite by :me

@YaBoiTH but dust

Art /sprite by: Me

O-O OHNO @YaBoiTH has a machine gun

Happy new year's guys

I wanna say thx for everyone who Made my year hell nice

1- @YaBoiTH

2- @BALINTexe_YouTuber

3- @CreamAlphaWolfram

4 and finally u guys :) so ye


AE i'm pretty bored sooo i made this E bruh

Ye u guys know pibby virus infection?

Well i Made the ver of meyself o_o

Bruh so Yee

The first pic is the art

The second one is the art without a fillter bruh so ye

Hopeu guys like it ^w^

(U guys know)

Sprite/art by: me

So i Made this art for my best friend @KillerSans13 ye HES a really nice guy sooo ye guys follow him now now N O W HES so close to getting 400 followers so ye go helpem about plz

Idk BRUH i just bored so i Made this sprite :/

Soooo i Made more sprites well ye its me brruhhhh but ye

Hope u guys like it ^w^

U guys alr know sprite is by me yeeee

Bruh i forgot to post this XD

But ye Heres an underjolt neutral route alt tho

Sprite by:me

Hope u guys like it ^w^