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After fixing all the reported bugs, and releasing the HUGE UPDATE, I'm going to take two weeks off. I'm really, really burnt out. Thanks for finding the bugs and if you find more please let me know, but I won't be opening GameJolt for another two weeks.

Hey everyone, hope you are well! THANK YOU for the support and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for reporting bugs in the game. I just released a patch that adds new features to the game, plus FIXES the reported bugs!

Full changelog here >…

i have found 2 bugs, one in second phase wich for some turns trollge didn't attacked but the turns keep going and one in phase 3 wich i can't choose the fight button and even if i restart the phase or the game i can fight him

BEFORE ANYTHING, as always, I would like to thank ALL the support received as always, without a doubt, thank you all very much for all the support received these last months.

So, here is, enjoy!!!!

Full changelog here >…

Version 1.4.0 is closer than ever, that’s why I’ve decided to release the BETA of version 1.4.0 for Launcher users!

I hope nothing unexpected happens, because if everything goes well, the update will be officially released on MONDAY! Thanks you all!!