general in The W Cult Remastered!!!!

Share your creations!

what you do in 1 day i can do in 24 hours B)


yo yo

what da frikc is happening gj,,

people wants a "hide user" option?

i havent even blocked anyone but ok i guess-

don't you love when threads have good endings?

what would you guys do if 2 of your friends suddenly get obsessed with something, so theyll talk about it almost always, but you don't know much about that so yu feel like if you don't fit in?


that one zelda game and the Mario is missing series are the strangest but funniest things in nintendo history

man i wish there was more april fools days in the year,,,


more like


Oh look, a Twitter account, I wonder who that is...

Oh miren, una cuenta de Twitter, me pregunto quién es...