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Update timeee! Hello my pawsome pals~ I gave up on the yarn tail, BUT I found a new way on how to make floofs for a mask! and I just need to buy felt and some paint to finish the mask! *Check article for more info*

I have officially pulled an all nighter.. Uhh.. Forgot tommorow was family day.. Welp wish me luck I don't pass out :)

So uhh that quadrobics went downhill... My friend came over so we could walk to school.. So ye no video sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

Guess who just stayed up all night working on a mask because I they have one chance to make a quadarobics video in the morning? is it just me... :c

So I have now made a posting schedule wooo!! I will try to post 2days a week, but I do have a life sadly