imbob9 in ImBob9's Development Server

oof this post ain't finished cringe bro :/

Wow, I have been gone and I haven't uploaded for a while. Also, I uploaded a new video a couple days ago, you should see it.

I have to say no because I decided to look at the words that get you demonetized, and they were mostly cuss words. I wouldn't cuss on the channel and no one will. I HATE cuss words anyway, so there is ABSOLUTELY NO CUSSING on the channel.

Thank you

Hey guys, I know I said that I would set this channel to not made for kids, that doesn't mean kids can't watch because this channel has a lot of moments where we ask you to comment. Anyways, Phone of Black said that means we can cuss, I I have to say no.

I made some edits to the logo

This is the official ImBob9 Logo for the PLUSH channel. I am still going to add more details, but this is basically V1.0.0