General in Thunder Tornado community

i'm thinking of probably saying stuff in kit's voice from wta. what do you think.
big thanks to @LaChicaQuiereCafe for being my 490th follower, thank you :)
to those who played metal gear rising, who is your favourite boss fight and why

i really need to stop smacking people
that's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source!
now Americans, i know you and us Canadians have our differences, but i think we can all agree that Canada has the much more scary eas alert sound
hey, haven't posted in two days, my bad.
hey, progress on things are going well. just wanna say that.

current header right now in case of stuff.
hey, been busy recently. thinking of making a devlog about what's going on. who knows if i will, just thinking about it.