Comments (8)
Brilliant game :D Who doesn't like bashing peasants eh?
Amazing game!!! I passed it. It was really hard but I did it. Good job, nice sounds, graphics...i'm impressed! ;)
Nice graphics, I wish that the character didnt move up and down so.... fast?
I included it in part 37 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/h1Dyf2KUm_0
That was fantastic. I wanna see post-contest updates!
AA Master Race. :P I think it's a pretty funny game. :)
(framerate 2 gud)
144 FPS
In the land of peasants, if you suffer, your frame rate suffers too. Be careful!
You have been chosen to go on a mission, to free the console gamers from peasantry and brainwashing. Intel suggests, that in the peasantland is the Ultimate Peasant who is responsible for all the mayhem that has been caused. Bad ports, expensive DLC and rushed games.
Only you, brother, can free the world from this slavery.
This is my first game jam ever, so don't expect a quality game, also please check out the included read me file.
Oh yeah, the game contains some swearing during the boss fight. Regrading the Sexual Themes rating, there is no sex in the game. Sorry to disappoint, just references.
Cartoon Violence
Sexual Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor