
Comments (2)

What do you think?

dude looks epic

Looks creepy! Im just kinda confused all this takes place the late 1960s, the same way with Fnac's story line.

But it still looks minimalistic and decent to play!

in dev and not much yet #fangame #horror #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

NEWS: First I want to say thank you for being patience. But I got good news and bad. Starting with the bad, the the game will be coming but not for the next few years I have been having trouble with my scrip and school is rough. good news in next post

NEWS: Now the good new photos of the animtronics and a new one. one is Dino the other one is Platty The Platypus. I just started on Platty and I'm almost finished with Dino.

Hey. So I know It's been AwhiLe but Everything is fine Just Very sLow but most of the moDEls Are Done. So I can get back to coding soon (I hate coding). My schedule is still filled but hopefully I can make some room.

Happy new years!!!

UPDATE: Hey everyone I haven't done much. Life is still being suckie, so not much but don't worry the game is still coming, it's just slow right now.


Mysty the Cat Updated Teaser