Comments (15)
Not bad but is realllly hard... But you can make this a good game. I think you can but some arms at the first person controler and maybe a annimation. But is your game so yeah no bad. :3
I would agree to the two points Nurahk_Games suggested. The rest are good
Honestly, this game pisses me the fuck off.
But it's still good.
Now that I have actually taken a look at the game, I discovered that the cursor is still viewable while playing the game. In the actual game (not the menu) there is a piece of Javascript code that HIGHLY recommend you put into the game. What this does is it hides the cursor, which makes the game much more enjoyable. Here is the code:
It is a tiny bit of code that makes a HUGE difference.
I do hope that this helps,
Hey, I just thought you should know, there are only 2 files you need to get your game to run. The only two files you need to have in the .rar file are "3D Platformer.exe" and "3D Platformer_Data". By leaving the other files in the download you make it possible for anyone who downloads it to steal the assets and claim them as there own. It also leaves them able to edit the game in Unity, which I guess is not a bad thing, but most developers don't want this to be possible. I really do hope you consider taking out the other files.
3D Platformer
3D Platformer DLC 1
This is my first game I made all by myself. It only has 3 levels at the moment, but if I get good feedback, I'll make more levels