
Its a Fnf Mod thats still In progress

The people working with the mod right now

Directors - XXXMickeyTentacles5480, ShrewdSeafood

Charters - Demonic, YAMZ, Elie, Havoc, ShrewdSeafood, JacobIsMii, Natedawg08, Le Forced

Artist - COOLTE3YET, SpringCola, T0MS, Fogness, Rabbit, Skittle, XXXMickeyTentacles5480

Animator- XXXMickeyTentacles5480, Yume potato, AG_Coffee

Voice Actor - The Issac Cook chat place, TylerTheGamer, Super A, VOID, SpringCola, Sandi, oli

Vocal Tuner - sharif13_, pattydecaffy, NoManBummer

Musicians - Flaconadir, Sandi, AttackPan, END_SELLA, luigiman0, oli, Olimac31, Sora Yoshikawa

Coder - HELP WANTED!!!!!

#TreasureIsland #FNaTI #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Another exclusive

Gamejolt teaser exclusive

Thank u guys for 216 followers on twitter!!!