Comments (2)
lol XD
Game Soundtrack
ATTENTION! This game contains copyrighted files like screens, musics, the one of those copyrighted things is Game Over screen, it is from Metal Gear Solid created by Konami and Kojima Productions, of course there is a lot more of those things but we will do not writte them here, but we're writting this to make you know that this game has some sources not maded by us!
Help Angry German Kid ( AGK ) in this Action-Packed RPG game!
In this adventure,
in this AGK's BIGGEST Adventure he will fight against deadly ( and annoying )
enemies such as Crazy frog bros. !
In this game you will have access to enter two worlds! The Reality and CyberWorld! In Reality you will can fight with enemies like Islams, Bandits itd.
In CyberWorld, you will fight against cyber versions of those in Reality and new ones like Net Troll, Ads, itd.
If Angry German Kid's HP will be reached to 0, he will be so annoyed that he will make SUICIDE!
So, make here best as you can!
We taked some ideas from Arczi, here is link to his channel:
The list of people that helped us:

UWAGA! Ta gra posiada pliki obj臋te prawami autorskimi takie jak zdj臋cia, muzyki, jedna z tych rzeczy to ekran Game Over, ten jest wzi臋ty z Metal Gear Solid kt贸ry jest stworzony przez Konami i Kojima Productions, oczywi艣cie tutaj jest o wiele wi臋cej tych rzeczy ale nie zamierzamy ich tu napisa膰, ale to piszemy aby sprawi膰 偶eby艣cie wiedzieli 偶e ta gra posiada dane kt贸re nie zosta艂y stworzone przez nas!
Pom贸偶 Leopoldowi w tej spakowanej akcj膮 grze RPG!
W tej przygodzie,
w tej NAJWI臉KSZEJ PRZYGODZIE LEOPOLDA b臋dzie on walczy艂 przeciwko 艣mierciono艣nymi wrogami takimi jak Dzieci Neo!
Je艣li HP Leopolda dotrze do 0, b臋dzie on tak wkurwiony 偶e on zrobi SAMOB脫JSTWO!
Wi臋c, staraj si臋 tak bardzo jak tylko potrafisz!
Niekt贸re pomys艂y wzi膮艂em od Arcziego, tutaj jest link do jego kana艂u:
Lista os贸b kt贸re nam pomog艂y:

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Mature Humor
Simulated Gambling