Comments (6)
you can make more mods chaotic for me play i like chaotic mods
My windows security triggered this mod and somehow it's not letting me play the mod
i wonder how u guys even make these games

Thanks for playing, Come back soon!
Baldi's basics but the game takes place at night remastered (64-bits V1.0.2!!!)
Baldi's basics but the game takes place at night remastered! (32-bits V1.0.2!!!)

Welcome to Baldi's Basics but the game takes place at night remastered!

You can put the funni number in the YCTP! : "69"!

You can leave the school from the bus now!
@Thekin178g_gamer3000 (me) for making the remastered mod!
@BasicallyGames for making baldi's basics!
@PorkyPowers for making the open source!
Ghost1721352 for making the original mod!
The baldi model by nanes potatos!
If you want to play the original mod here! : (https://gamebanana.com/mods/53106)
That's it!