Comments (3)
I just realised the last part of antiqued could just be Baldi with the according instrument
Why does the Baldi X Prince Ship song slap the most?????
the basics of funkin'
Game Soundtrack
Tutor (Baldi) - MiloMeowing
- 1.Tutor (Baldi) - MiloMeowing
- 2.Angree (Baldi) - MiloMeowing
- 3.Boing (Playtime) - MiloMeowing
- 4.Grandma (Bladder) - MiloMeowing
- 5.Thanks (Me) - MiloMeowing
- 6.Piracy (Badsum) - MiloMeowing
- 7.OhNo (99) - BaldiBasicsEduLearn1
- 8.Puzzles (Melvore/Ferocious Cover) - Sky!/Baldibasicsedulearn1
- 9.Speed (SDUF Baldi/Outdated) - MiloMeowing
- 10.Mineral (Carl the Dwindler) - BaldiBasicsEdulearn1
- 11.Tomorrow (Xploshi Baldi/Outdated) - MiloMeowing
- 12.Millroyroy (Millroy) - Funny_Gummy789
- 13.Moldy (Dave, Diamond Man) - MiloMeowing
- 14.Rules (Mr. Baldi Basics) - MiloMeowing
- 15.Fun (Nelson) - MiloMeowing
- 16.Patata (Patata Baldi) - ThomasCobaltality
- 17.Baldi X Principal Shipping Cute (Gacha/DXBSC Cover) - Sky!/Baldibasicsedulearn1
- 18.Ooohh... (Game Over 1/2) - MiloMeowing
- 19.Try Again! (Game Over 2/2) - MiloMeowing
- 20.Antiqued (Old Baldi) - BaldiEnjoyer2310
- 21.Bread (Bready) - Baldibasicsedulearn1
- 22.Happy Pause Smile (Pause Menu) - Baldibasicsedulearn1
Basically Funkin', or BFunk for short, is a Friday Night Funkin' mod that takes content from Baldi games, official and fanmade, and puts them into multiple fun and creative songs!
I am really struggling to make a description for this
oh well, I'll change this when I finally figure out the story for the mod!
Mild Language