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A small game that I'm working on that takes advantage of its simplicity. I'm thinking about releasing an alpha demo in Late October/Early November 2020. The game is basically a simple platformer game with some storyline to it. Keep in mind, I'm not a great developer so this game might take a while as I also have school.


Cancelled: but for a good reason.

Hey everyone, I have been inactive on Block Game because the project is now cancelled. I have been working on a new game, that has much more of a goal. I am running out of words so read the comment below.


Hello, Oh my god, I have been gone for so long. I wanted to address a couple things. Block game is still in development, I just need a respawn function and when you finish the level the game will crash. It's so close to being finished.


Also, on Saturday I added a jumping sound to my game and I'll get back to adding a respawn script into the game.

Hey, just taking a break from development just for my mental health. It could take as long as a week for me to start developing but knowing me. I'll start probably sooner.



Hey everybody, here's some gameplay of my game. Going out good public alpha demo about 60% complete. Gotta add a UI, Sound, and backgrounds. Also, Maybe expect Block Game to come out this Monday if I'm working hard.
