Game Community
Chromatic Chronicles
4 Members

Comments (14)

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Why IT takeS so lOnGGgGGGgGGGgGggGG tO dowNLoAd

This game is gonna be dope!


(DEMO) Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s

Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago
A DEMO version of the game

Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s V1

Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago
Can you 100% the game?

Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s V1.1

Version: 0.1.1about 1 year ago
Can you 100% the game?

Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s V1.2

Version: 0.1.210 months ago
some bug fixes and nerfing and buffing!

(You) Krage, are looking for a job to support your wife and 2 kids. You think about how your kids like the Chromatic Chronicles place. You find that they are hiring and you try to take the job. You get the  job and you come into the night shift.

Will you survive a Week at Rainbows


#fnaf #horror #fangame #survival #pointnclick

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

V1.2 is now out!

1. Nerfed Orange
2. Buffed Base slightly
3. Nerfed ShadowClaw

4. Fixed a bug where Inverted would appear randomly when power runs out.

5. Made it so you only have to watch the start animation once unless you click new game.

Have fun :)

Update has been added (V1.1) (Update notes)

1. Added reason for the lights

2. Changed Whites Ai a bit

3. Added an Endless mode (in extra's)

4. Made it so the new game stuff happens if you hit continue and it's night 1

( I think thats it :) )

Do you guys want an update to a thing. I want to do one, but idk what to do. I haven't found bugs and the game is possible, I have play tested the game.

Do you guys have any update ideas...
(I was thinking of adding a new character, but idk)

Alright guys. Because the game is out and stuff. If you find bug's please let me know. I really need to know whats going on with stuff I didn't find. Thank you!

Here is the deal
Whoever 100% the game 1st and give me prof with no cheating and stuff. Will get early access to the 2nd game if I make one
To 100% the game you must beat all 7 nights and all challenges!!!