Comments (14)
Why IT takeS so lOnGGgGGGgGGGgGggGG tO dowNLoAd
This game is gonna be dope!
(DEMO) Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s
A DEMO version of the game
Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s V1
Can you 100% the game?
Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s V1.1
Can you 100% the game?
Chromatic Chronicles One Week with Rainbow’s V1.2
some bug fixes and nerfing and buffing!
(You) Krage, are looking for a job to support your wife and 2 kids. You think about how your kids like the Chromatic Chronicles place. You find that they are hiring and you try to take the job. You get the job and you come into the night shift.
Will you survive a Week at Rainbows
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed