
Comments (2)

What do you think?

its not 1014 can't play

Windows players tell me wat u think or something.

Cream.exe the disaster is a Sonic.exe the disaster mod. replacing all the exes with cream. and some survivors being changed. Knuckles is sonic. eggman is sans. Amy is shadow. And cream is faker tails. [thats what i like calling him It also changes emotes. [but not sans.exe [cream] and faker tails [cream.exe] ] Credits to @Animated_Finn For helping me figure out how to mod. [you should sub to them on youtube] [ill update the thumbnail one day]

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

k testing android versions. pretty sure it wont work tho

No android version at the moment sorry android people! do it eventually