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Good guys I'm developing a really cool game called Creatures Hunter, goal of the game is to venture into different worlds and hunt creatures,
The game will have languages Portugues, Inglish 100%, special commands Special Portions, several different weapons and much more, I'm working to make the game very fun, the progress of the game at the moment this 20% of the final goal you can follow the development of this game In my youtube channel all the news will post videos on youtube and post here too ... well this is just the beginning I have a lot to do yet to be a great game ....
you can use the following controls in this game PS2USB, XBox, Will, Etc ..... just go in settings and change the commands of the buttons

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

Jogo cancelado

Bom pessoal o motivo de eu ter cancelado é por que a minha HD que estava esse jogo e outros que eu estava desenvolvendo queimou e eu perdi o codigo fonte

new look, what do you think has gotten better than the old one shown in the video?