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this is a videogame adaptation of a book of the same name (that I wrote) #scifi #rpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

ok, so. Feature creep happened, and also streamlining of game files happened. that's all. It's going to take a very long time to get this game finished

sorry it's been a while since i've updated anything, but here's a new update (after a bit of testing)
I fixed some capitalization errors (there's still more to go) and I fixed a softlock with an error I made with the events. feel free to send feedback

I've finished the beginning part of the game, so now there's a proper transition down to the planet's surface. However there's still a lot of work to go, and I want to test this out as well

ok, this version has more of a transtition in it, it's still largely incomplete (and the enemy that's part of that transition isn't done) but it's getting there

I removed all the earlier version as they all had this glitch in it, and i've fixed said error. Enjoy <3

Whoops, I just tested these last few updates, and I found an oversight in my obfuscation that prevented things from working. I'm working to fix it and should have a fix out soon

this update doesn't really add anything, it just changes the title screen, the window styles, and the sound effects in the menus

Fleshed out more of the beginning part of the story, and also made the demo teleport the player to another finished part of the game

whoops, forgot to include the plugins.js

link to the book this is made off of