DARE is an adventure game that tells the story of Zhariff, a 15-year-old high school student who was dared to have a sleepover at a school by his friends; all is well until a spider-ghost-lady, Arachnia, chased him. To escape Arachnia and leave the school compound, Zhariff must answer all the questions, ranging from various mathematical questions to art theory and scientific quizzes. The sole purpose of this game is to help players polish up their cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills. By playing this game, players will be able to solve the mathematical questions given- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Furthermore, players will also be able to reorganize the different types of colours and understand the colour theory in general. Last but not least, players will also be able to identify the different kinds of food chains and learn the benefits of the food chain for the ecosystem. #adventure
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