
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I got it running decently! I have to commend the atmosphere right away, the art style and sound design are superb, seriously. They gave me chills. However, the whole game changes after you introduce the chases and mazes to the point where anything that has been built up is completely shattered. Death kills horror, and you will die in this. The trial and error maze killed most of my interest and the section that follows it was the end for me. I honestly think removing the monsters or cutting their movement to a quarter of what it is would do wonders, as it would keep the sense of urgency but without the frustration and deaths. You have a solid foundation here, but the game just loses all suspense during and after the maze.

Any way to force a window or edit reolution? The fullscreen seems like it tries to match my monitor's 4k resolution and doesn't to run very well. Doesn't respond to Borderless Gaming either.



Version: 1.3.0over 6 years ago

Dark Places is an experimental psychological single-player game set in a surreal world filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a daemon hunter desperately searching for answers and slowly descends into madness.

Key Features:
• Terrifying and atmospheric environments
• Challenging gameplay
• Original soundtrack comprises over 1 hour of haunting, melodic music
• 100% Free (you can support us by buying the soundtrack DLC <3)
• Puzzles
• Dark secrets to be discovered.
#adventure #horror #action #survival #silent #hill #free
#puzzle #blood #gore #retro #oldschool #retro #atmospheric

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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