Comments (24)
Do we have the final encounter sprite?
And I am no longer lazy
im back
Ayo can I help with this lol
I can assist in spriting, writing, and concept art.

This game is a fangame of and therefore contains spoilers for UNDERTALE!
Play it or watch a playthrough before accessing this page!
Additionally, all rights go to Toby Fox, creator of UT. Underswap fan-project by Popc0rnpr1nce.
Finally, this game contains mature themes and scenarios. We'll try to keep it in check, but for safety, consider this game rated T for teen.

(Will be revealed on the anniversary of the au or after reaching 75 followers)

Our Team Members:
@Mrgoldenpan : Owner, Coder, Writer, Spriter, Au creator
Special Thanks:
@Theeviltoenail - For the current logo of the fangame, being an outstanding member of the team during the old days [Team Madness]
@okiwillusemyrealname - For being our former spriter before the “cancellation” of the project..
@SpihlwillGaming - For joining the team, didn’t do much, but he seems a cool person.
PYXL: For joining the team, couldn’t be active much but, life is way more important.
@cdracolich - Was quite an amazing member of the team, a guy full of different talents, did most of the work for this game in the past, and made the gamepage look cool. Glad to see him move on.
@Slammer2 : For being determined and having faith for this fangame. I wish he has the best of luck on his projects!
@kerem_king91: Starting this project with me (@Mrgoldenpan ) and @Coolperson102
. He was a very good team member, making engines for the game in the past. I hope he has the best of luck in his future projects.
@Coolperson102 : For starting this project in the first place! Even though he lost faith on this project, he was with me ‘till the end. Glad to see him create things that satisfies him.
tobyfox and Temmie Chang - For creating UNDERTALE/DELTARUNE
Popc0rnpr1nce - For creating Underswap AU
Ask-Dusttale - For creating Dusttale AU
Aude-Javel - For the concept of Dusttrust


UNDERTALE, the original game.
Underswap, Dusttale, and (Unofficial) Dusttrust, the worlds that collide to form this game and our main inspirations.
Tags: #Undertale #Underswap #Dusttale #Dusttrust(NOT!) #Sans #Papyrus #Canonswap #Chara #Frisk #Dust #Dark #other #rpg #retro #altgame
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans